64 research outputs found

    Analisis Penggunaan Alat dan Teknik Pengendalian Mutu dalam Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu pada Perusahaan Karet Bersertifikat ISO 9001:2008

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    The increasing competition in the global market and high consumer expectations for quality products, encourage companies to be able to produce quality products which meets international standards. One of the activities in improving quality that conform to product specifications is applying appropriate quality control system involving all aspects of the company that are integrated with the standard ISO 9001: 2008 as a guide. However, the rubber industry in West Sumatra still faces obstacles in the implementation of quality control techniques and tools of as experienced by ABC and XYZ. This study aimed to evaluate the application of quality control tools and techniques in the manufacturing company which is certified ISO 9001: 2008, ABC and XYZ. This research was conducted by calculating the value of DPMO (Defect Per Million Opportunities). Based on the results found that the two companies have different DPMO value. PT ABC obtained by 5,2σ sigma level from DPMO value of 94.33 for the types of defects whitespot and sigma level of 4,2σ of DPMO value of 3365.096 to defect type of metal, while the XYZ obtain sigma level of 5,3σ from DPMO value of 728.697 for the types of defects whitespot and sigma level of 4,8σ of DPMO value of 425.441 for the type of metal defects. From the analysis it can be concluded that the two companies have not been effective in applying the techniques and tools of quality control in accordance with the standards ISO 9001: 2008 in order to achieve continuous quality improvement. This is indicated by the key success factor of the implementation techniques and tools of quality control is not applied appropriately in achieving continuous quality improvement


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    ABSTRAKSI Pekerjaan pembuatan kain songket di Pandai Sikek merupakan jenis pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh operator dalam keadaan duduk. Pekerjaan duduk memiliki keuntungan dan kerugian. Bekerja pada posisi duduk mengurangi pembebanan pada kaki, pemakaian energi, dan keperluan untuk sirkulasi darah. Namun kerja dengan sikap duduk terlalu lama dapat menyebabkan otot perut melembek dan tulang belakang melengkung sehingga cepat lelah. Kondisi yang terdapat pada pekerjaan operator alat tenun tradisional Pandai Sikek. sekarang tidak sesuai dengan perancangan yang menggunakan kaidah ilmu ergonomi. Dimensi alat tenun yang digunakan oleh pekerja tenun tidak sesuai dengan antropometri operator dan dalam bekerja operator sering membungkuk serta kondisi lainnya yang membuat operator tidak nyaman dalam bekerja. Akibatnya operator yang bekerja sering mengalami sakit pada leher, punggung, bahu, pinggang, pantat, paha dan betis. Perancangan ini menggunakan data antropometri mahasiswi Teknik Industri Universitas Andalas yang kemudian diolah untuk dilakukan pengujian statistik, yaitu uji kenormalan, keseragaman dan kecukupan data. Setelah itu juga dilakukan analisis biomekanika untuk mendapatkan karakteristik rancangan yang dibutuhkan. Selain itu rancangan ini dapat digunakan untuk pembuatan berbagai ukuran kain songket. Dengan kata lain alat tenun yang dirancang bersifat dapat disesuaikan (adjustable). Setelah dilakukan perancangan produk berdasarkan tahapan-tahapan yang telah ditentukan, diperoleh hasil adanya perbaikan terhadap dampak penggunaan alat tenun yang berupa penurunan risiko dan secara fungsional alat ini dapat digunakan untuk dua jenis ukuran produk songket Pandai Sikek. Kata Kunci : Alat Tenun, Ergonomi, Antropometri, Biomekanika, Adjustabl

    A review of quality engineering tools and techniques practices in Malaysia's and Indonesia's automotive industries and an agenda for future research

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    Studies of Quality Engineering (QE) usually focused on the areas of process control tools in production and improvement tools used to improve existing production processes and its title typically covers such as Statistical Process Control (SPC), Taguchi Methods and Design of Experiment. Only a few studies that looks into a comprehensive implementation of QE Tools and Techniques especially in Malaysia and Indonesia automotive industries. This paper aims to review the QE tools and techniques practices of Malaysia and Indonesia Automotive Industries in their quality improvement efforts. This paper also highlights the importance of implementation of QE tools and techniques in company in various countries and the problems encountered when using QE tools and techniques found in the literature. The further research will identify and evaluate the critical success factors for the successful implementation of QE. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach is going to be employed to prioritize the critical factors for implementing QE. The AHP approach is used in this study because it can help researchers to formulate an appropriate model to evaluate critical success factors and develop strategies to implement QE tools and techniques in Malaysia and Indonesia automotive industries. Furthermore, it is believed that the developing of conceptual model will need for successful QE practices in Malaysia and Indonesia automotive industries based on empirical research

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Kefarmasian terhadap Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Inap RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang

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    Pharmaceutical services at the hospital are an integral part of the hospital's service system. The quality of the pharmacy service affects the hospital's performance as a service company. Pharmacy Installation of Dr. M. Djamil Padang Hospital based on data from Public Relation and Public Complaint Installation of Dr. M. Djamil Padang Hospital get complaint report on pharmacy service as many as 28 complaint reports in 2015 and 42 complaint reports in 2016. A decrease in the quality of care is indicated by the decrease in the number of in-patients in the period of 2013-2015 reaching an average of 2.89%, while the level of complaints on the quality of in-patient pharmacy service remains high with 31 complaints by years. This study aims to analyze the effect of hospital pharmacy service quality on patient satisfaction at pharmacy depo Dr. M. Djamil Padang Hospital. The measurements of all constructs and research indicators used questionnaires distributed to 320 in-patients as respondents. Path analysis used with software application of SPSS 17 to analyze the data. The result concluded that service quality consisting of service speed, attitude, and empathy of officer, drug availability, pharmacy depot location, and drug information simultaneously, influence on patient's satisfaction with a contribution of 74.10%. However, the partial attitude and empathy of the officers have no effect on the satisfaction of patients. While the provision of drug information is the most dominant factor of service quality in affecting patient satisfaction at pharmacy depo Dr. M. Djamil Padang Hospital


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    At process print mechanically Heildenberg offset printing GTO 50 still found the defect product. This matter result the amount of machine setting repetition which become a more regular. Therefore, it is require to be conducted by determination machine setting capable to degrade variability and mean of amount of reject. The determination of setting done with factor influence minimization to found reject product used Taguchi experiment. This research focussed at reject transportation of paper. From histrorical data show reject which often happened is reject transportasi of paper, that is equal to 55,54 % from all. Experiment conducted by using Taguchi method. To test validity of experiment result hence conducted by attempt of confirmation. Span average value and also assess ratio noise to signal spanned especial experiment value, so that can be concluded that determination yielded factor level from especial experiment have is up to standard of validation and accuration. From confirmation experiment using chosen level got degradation amount of reject product equal to 69,23% from early condition. Keywords : Machine setting, Taguchi Metho

    Designing Quality Management Systems For Thresher Production Using ISO 9001-2015

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    CV Citra Dragon is a small and medium-sized industry that produces agricultural machine tools wich is located in Padang Pariaman, West Sumatra. CV Citra Dragon has been active in production since 1976 and has the potential to increase the production of alsintan in order to compete in and outside the country. Therefore, CV Citra Dragon needs to improve the quality of the products produced. The best way to recognize the product quality is by implementing the Quality Management System (QMS). QMS of CV Citra Dragon is necessary to expand to other products which is thresher machine. The research based on ISO 9001-2015 standards. The design of QMS on CV Citra Dragon was done through field survey. Documents made on thresher production units are two compulsory and mandatory records, working procedures on thresher production, as well as working instructions and recording forms required. Once a quality document has been created, the analysis was performed by comparing the pre-existing QMS with the most recent QMS tailored to ISO 9001-2015. Therefore, some documents must be obtained by ISO 9001-2015 in accordance with the QMS used CV Citra Dragon was based on the main process approach. The results of documents that have been verified by the company are the scope of the QMS, quality policy, quality objectives, criteria for evaluation and selection of suppliers, product realization planning records, design and development records, product review, and monitoring records and measurement results. The existence of a good quality document is very important for companies to implement QMS.   Keywords : Document, Quality Management System, thresher

    Penjadwalan Cement Mill Berbasis Minimasi Faktor Klinker dalam Proses Pembilasan dan Impor Klinker

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    PT Semen Padang is one of the cement companies in Indonesia. Cement production influenced by the number of demand, raw materials and the number of the available machine. The number of demand increases with a corporate capacity which keeps the company had to set an optimal production schedule. Scheduling production should be followed by the availability of raw materials (clinker). The number of clinkers required influenced by the number of demands and clinker elapsed to the flushing process. Flushing process happens if the transition products produced from Non-OPC to a product OPC, for one flushing process causes clinker consumption 7% more than the existing capacity decreases. Deficient in a capacity covered by importing clinker which causes high-cost production. So, it necessary to make cement mill schedule by minimizing flushing process, so clinker that will be used become optimized.Steps that will be done in this study began with the survey system, identify problems, and data collection. Data collected are machine cement mill and kiln capacity, demands, and flushing process. Then designed a formulation model that minimizes clinker factor and the number of clinker imports needed, so that obtained scheduling machine cement mill to produce OPC and Non-OPC.Results obtained by reducing the number of flushing process because the cement mill designed to produce one type of product per day, so the flushing process could happen if there is transition cement production Non-OPC on the day-i to cement OPC on the day i+1. Cement OPC produced by Indarung II, III, and V. Indarung IV only produced cement Non-OPC, so the flushing process happened in Indarung II, III, and V.

    Penerapan Sampling Kerja dalam Penentuan Beban dan Kebutuhan Tenaga Kerja

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    PT Semen Padang is one of the subsidiaries of PT Semen Indonesia Tbk, which is one of the state-owned enterprises engaged in the business of cement production and trade. PT Semen Padang is now actively promoting synergies and pursuing the company's performance growth to be able to cope with competition in an increasingly tight and complex cement industry. In order to face this, it is necessary to have adequate human resource management from the company. One of the successes of company’s management is the availability of sufficient human resources with high quality, have integrity, professional in accordance with the functions and tasks of each personal and work unit. Since 2015, there has been an increase in overtime hours. This is due to the shortage of employees of PT Semen Padang. The reason is the number of employees who retired and there is no recruitment. Thus, there are some tasks that have not been implemented. In addition, in May 2016 one of the KPI's timely procurement points in the spare parts field was not achieved. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the workload of employees and give a recommendation of the optimal employee needs for this bureau in the future. The study found that Buyer Bureau Procurement of goods PT Semen Padang has only 74.4% productive work time. It is because the actual number of buyers for the spare parts field is 6 people, while the number of buyers optimal based on the calculation is 8 people

    Usulan Strategi Pengembangan Industri Pengolahan Kelapa Skala IKM di Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir

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    The majority of the population in Indragiri Hilir (Inhil) already rely on palm plantations as the main income. They have already sold in the form of coconut oil and copra round with a relatively low price and is unable to provide a decent life. It is increasing because of the low level of productivity of coconut plantations and commercial systems that are less profitable for farmers. While in other areas of the coconut is a commodity that can be processed into a wide range of high-value products with simple technologies that can be done by small and medium industries. So, we need development strategies IKM-scale oil processing industry which is able to increase the income of coconut farmers in the district of Inhil. Based on the results of research conducted by the method of SWOT analysis produced 23 alternative strategies of the development of the SME scale oil processing industry in Kabupaten Inhil ie three strategies from SO, nine strategies from WO, seven strategies from ST, four strategies from WT. Based on the results of the weighting using Analytical Network Process (ANP) on any alternative strategy, Strategy SO-2 namely "Guaranteeing the purchase of products manufactured by the community or the SME by the government and the government must provide the processing industry continued to improve the quality standards that prompted the market to products produced by the community/SME "is a priority under the development strategy of IKM-scale oil processing industry in the District Inhil.